
I'm glad you want to join me in discovering more truth from the Bible. I'm not a theologian, just a disciple with an attentive ear to hear what the Spirit says. So let's listen closely . . .

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

1 Samuel 10, Ecclesiastes 11, 1 John 1

Samuel gave Saul signs to look for so Saul would believe God had indeed chosen him. The chief sign was that Saul would "be turned into another man." (v.6) And "So it was, when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, that God gave him another heart . . ." The people saw Saul's tall, commanding stature. God saw Saul's heart. The power of the Holy Spirit would make Saul an effective king, not his physical prowess.

All along, Saul was clearly God's Plan B. Of course, He knew the people would reject Him and prepared Saul for his role. But a human king wasn't God's ideal plan.

The Israelites were so focused on what they could see that they rejected all else.

Solomon knew that if our focus is on ourselves and our happiness, based on circumstances, we'll end up miserable and under God's judgment. But if we focus on giving and serving others, we will see a return. It may come as material goods, and it may come by knowing we've pleased God. But if our focus really is on God and others, our greatest treasure will become having God's pleasure.

John wanted his readers to have no doubt that he wrote what he had seen, heard, and touched: Jesus Christ. That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, eternal in nature. And that others can have fellowship with Him. John makes clear the test to know who is living in fellowship with Christ--only those who practice truth. That means living it out in our behavior. Once again, it's about focus, this time on Christ and living like Him.

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