
I'm glad you want to join me in discovering more truth from the Bible. I'm not a theologian, just a disciple with an attentive ear to hear what the Spirit says. So let's listen closely . . .

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Read Exodus 14:8-9
  • Have you ever felt the hot breath of evil on the back of your neck?
  • Did you feel like it was about to overtake you?

Read 14:10

  • Did you pray?
  • What was the content of your prayer?

Read 14:11-12 to find the content of the Israelites' prayer. (Actually, what they verbalized to Moses.)

Read 14:13-14

  • What was Moses' response to the people?

The rest of the chapter details the rescue of God's people.

  • Do you know the power of God's deliverance? Has He led you out of danger?
  • Write a paragraph (or more if you choose) about that experience. I'd also like to invite you to share your story in class, if you are willing.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The conclusion we drew from the study of Exodus 11:1-12:36 was that God performed all the plagues in order to decimate the Egyptian pagan religion. After the plague of death, not only were all the Egyptian gods and goddesses proven impotent, but the king's magicians were completely embarassed by their inability to perform.

The country lay in ruins and the people were left without even the ability to sacrifice to their gods. The firstborn of their flocks and herds were dead. There could be no doubt that The LORD was the one true God.

And so, the Israelites kept the Passover, followed the instructions, and put blood over their doors. Death passed over them and they left the country laden with gold and silver they had requested from the Egyptians.

We also discussed the comparison of the substitutionary death of the firstborn, perfect lamb to Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. Those of us who choose to "enter into His blood" as the Israelites chose to enter into and stay in the house covered by the blood, are saved from eternal death as surely as the Israelites were saved from the death of their firstborn.

This week we will focus on chapter 13:17 through chapter 14. We will look at the route of the Exodus and the escape through the Red Sea.

  • Read 13:17-22

    How did the Israelites know where to go?

Where did they go?

Look in your Bible or other helps for a route they took. Bring it to class Sunday.

  • Read 14:1-4

Put yourself in the people's shoes. How would you feel about turning back?

I know when we go on a road trip, we won't even drive back a mile if we passed up cheaper gas! And if you have to go to the bathroom, you'd better be able to make it to the next stop, because we sure won't go back to the last place.