
I'm glad you want to join me in discovering more truth from the Bible. I'm not a theologian, just a disciple with an attentive ear to hear what the Spirit says. So let's listen closely . . .

Monday, November 22, 2010

On Sunday, November 28, we will study Exodus 28. Hopefully we can cover the whole chapter. You should read the whole chapter, and then we'll see how far we get in class.
Concerning the Spiritual Disciplines I wrote about last week: I'm working on my second memory verse, a good one to meditate on, and am ready for chapter 9 in all three books of the Bible that I'm reading.

If you've started, where are you? I'd love to hear about your journey through the disciplines.

If you haven't started, or have no idea what I'm referring to, check out my entries from last week. It's all there.
Sunday we learned about the outer court of the tabernacle including the hanging curtains, the embroidered entrance screen, and the way the people were instructed to camp around it.

We discovered that the camp arrangement was for the purpose of staying close to their Commander because they faced their worst enemy--themselves--before they faced any outward enemies.

Henry Blackaby has said, "In every generation there seem to exist certain cliches used by members of the body of Christ. No doubt, on the top of the list for this generation are the words 'I'm under attack!' Every difficulty seems to be labeled 'spiritual warfare.' Without question we fight wars in the heavenlies; but before we can be sure it's spiritual warfare, we must be able to answer three questions negatively: (1) Am I living outside the will of God? (2) Do I have any unconfessed sin? (3) Is God simply working His completion in me? Far more often, our difficulties originate from one of these three realms."

Think of a difficulty you are dealing with. Test it according to these three questions. Are you under attack from Satan or from your flesh?

If you are fighting a battle of the flesh, how can you be victorious?

What can you do to ensure that you are camped close to your Commander?

Romans 7:14-25 describes the problem we have battling ourselves.

Although a continual war is waged against us internally, we must never accept defeat!

What does 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 say about the weapons of our warfare?

What does Deuteronomy 23:14 say is God's promise if we choose to camp with Him and walk with Him?