
I'm glad you want to join me in discovering more truth from the Bible. I'm not a theologian, just a disciple with an attentive ear to hear what the Spirit says. So let's listen closely . . .

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Joshua 7, Psalm 141, Colossians 2

Joshua 7 is an ugly picture of sin and defiance that resulted in horrible judgment. There were actually several scenes.
  1. The sin
  2. The defeat in battle because of the sin
  3. Joshua's anguish over the defeat when he didn't understand it, including his conversation with the Lord
  4. The judgment
Sin always is more costly than we imagine it will be. Defiance against God always ends in destruction. The scene that grabbed me was Joshua's and his question of the Lord. "What will You do for Your Great Name?" This is the bottom line. It is all about God's Great Name. God's answer comes in the form of instructions. The first is "Get up!" Don't lie around feeling sorry for yourself. Here's what to do . . .

In times of great stress, when we don't understand what is happening, take it to the Lord, and don't lie around feeling sorry for yourself. Get busy doing what you know to do.

David knew the hazards of sin. In Psalm 141, he asks the Lord to keep  him pure.

Achan wanted treasure and tried to get it the wrong way. He was so focused on the things he saw that he couldn't see or obey the Lord. The real treasure is all wisdom and knowledge in God the Father and Jesus Christ. When we follow the treasure map - the Bible - we will solve the mystery and gain all the wealth found in the knowledge of God.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Joshua 6, Psalm 140, Colossians 1

Joshua chapter six describes the fall of Jericho into the hands of the Israelites. It was a most unusual battle, without a shot fired. Not even arrows flew. Joshua led his army to march around the walls of the city while seven priests blew trumpets. They were followed by priests carrying the Ark of the Lord. The army followed the priests. Can you imagine living inside Jericho and wondering what was going on? How unnerving! The Israelites just marched around the city once each day for 6 days in a row while the trumpets blared. Then they went back to their camp. But the seventh day, upon Joshua's command, the whole army shouted at once. At the sound of the shouts, the city walls collapsed.

To really understand this amazing story, we need to turn back a few verses into chapter five. The Angel of the Lord appeared to Joshua and told Joshua He, the Angel, was the commander of the army. Not Joshua. With that kind of commander, who could lose? But Joshua had a critical role to play. He could have whined about not getting to be in charge. He could have said, "Lord, that is the craziest plan I've ever heard. It won't work so we'd better do it my way."

When the Angel of the Lord is on your side, miracles happen. But trust and obedience also have to happen. Like the old hymn says, "Trust and obey, for there's no other way." Joshua trusted God and obeyed His odd-sounding instructions. The people trusted Joshua's leadership and obeyed. And God fought and won for them.

God will fight and win for me and you, too. But our part is to trust and obey.

In this Psalm, David is surrounded by evil men. Just like God helped Joshua and the people, David knows He will help him. It doesn't matter whether we're on the offense or the defense, God is still the same and the battle and victory are both His. We can trust Him.

I think we sometimes forget what it took when Christ fought for us on the cross. We were His enemies, but He gave everything so we could be called His friends. This kind of friend is so worthy of our trust and obedience! He has everything under control. We can trust Him.