
I'm glad you want to join me in discovering more truth from the Bible. I'm not a theologian, just a disciple with an attentive ear to hear what the Spirit says. So let's listen closely . . .

Monday, August 6, 2012

Judges 2, Proverbs 10, 2 Timothy 3

Failure to go all the way with God produces shrinking faith, which produces apathy. Fervor cools. And children are the ones who suffer. Oh, they may get along alright as long as their parents live. But parents won't teach a faith they don't have. We are always just one generation away from losing families of faith.

Chapter ten is a list of wise sayings from Solomon. He wrote them for his son. He wanted to make sure to pass down some of the wisdom God gave him. He handed down his faith. Unfortunately, Solomon's words didn't always match his actions, and his son failed to pass the wisdom to his sons.

Paul handed down his faith to Timothy. He warned Timothy of the dangers lurking under the mask of hypocritical "Christians." These men appeared to be godly but their hearts were full of pride and haughtiness. Pleasure and money meant more to them than God. This sort is especially dangerous because of their outward appearance. Timothy had an advantage over the Israelites. He had scripture to read, along with Paul's letters. He possessed secret intelligence on the enemy hiding in plain sight.

We have the same secret intelligence. If we pay attention, we can avoid falling into the trap of apathy and idolatry. Then our faith will be powerful and our children will want to be like us. They'll love the Lord like we do. And one more generation will be saved.

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