
I'm glad you want to join me in discovering more truth from the Bible. I'm not a theologian, just a disciple with an attentive ear to hear what the Spirit says. So let's listen closely . . .

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Joshua 19, Proverbs 3, 1 Timothy 2

Possess the land. Dividing the land between the seven remaining tribes was accomplished by casting lots at the door of the tabernacle in Shiloh. The priest, Eleazar, Joshua, and the tribal leaders conducted the process. In the Old Testament, casting lots was one way God spoke to men. So God actually directed the division and they all knew it. It might have been easy to quibble among themselves over the borders, but not when they knew for certain God laid it out.

A couple of interesting notes: 1. Dan got more because they took the initiative and fought for it. 2. East was always referred to as "toward the sunrise" but west was either "west" or "at the sea."

Follow instruction. God speaks to us through His word today and when we read the Bible, we know for certain Who it is that we hear. Proverbs 3 is instruction we cannot quibble over. If we will follow what we read here, our lives will be full, meaningful, and satisfying. We will "occupy the land" in a spiritual sense the way the Israelite tribes did in the physical sense.

Pay attention to details. 1 Timothy 2 opens with instructions for a quiet and peaceable life: prayer for all those in authority. Then Paul goes on to instruct a quiet and peaceable church function. It can be hard to accept our roles when we listen to the voices of culture around us. But when we recognize God speaking through the Bible, we won't quibble over details.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Joshua 18, Proverbs 2, 1 Timothy 1

Joshua's question to the remaining tribes tells on them. "How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you?" Here they were, at last, in the Promised Land. And yet seven tribes watched their fellow Israelites take charge of their inheritance while hanging back and waiting. Waiting for what? That was what Joshua wanted to know. As God's mouthpiece, we can be sure Joshua voiced the question for God.

Were they afraid? Maybe. Lazy? Mm. Maybe. We don't know why they waited. But when Joshua broke it down into instructions, they obeyed. They conducted a survey, wrote the results in a book, and cast lots. Sounds very modern to me. "Conquer Your Enemies in Three Easy Steps."

Wisdom equals receiving God's words and treasuring His commands. When we do these things, God is our shield, guard and guide. Proverbs 2:21 says, "For the upright will dwell in the land, and the blameless will remain in it." Maybe the seven tribes needed to deal with a sin problem. Failure to receive God's words and treasure His commands leads one down a dark road. The seven tribes stood at the intersection. It was time to choose.

Paul instructs Timothy to teach sound doctrine: the reason for the law was to show sinners the truth about themselves, and the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ saves them from their way. Two, Hymenaeus and Alexander, stood at the intersection and chose the wrong way. Paul and Timothy chose the right way.

Is God calling you to choose His path? Is He leading you in a direction you hesitate to follow? Be like the seven tribes and stop procrastinating. God will break it down for you, step by step.