
I'm glad you want to join me in discovering more truth from the Bible. I'm not a theologian, just a disciple with an attentive ear to hear what the Spirit says. So let's listen closely . . .

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Judges 15, Proverbs 23, Hebrews 8

Height of Influence. Chapter fifteen records the height of Samson's influence. He didn't get off to a great start, and his service to God cost him everything. But he judged Israel for twenty years after he defeated the Philistines. When we surrender our lives to be used by God for His purpose, it does cost us. Many times it costs those we love even more, like it did Samson's wife. Our loved ones may not die, but we may have to move far away. Whatever the cost, it is worth it all when compared to the price Jesus Christ paid for our salvation. When we remember the cross, it puts everything in perspective.

Reward for Living Well. Proverbs 23 says much about eating and drinking. Eating too much meat and drinking sparkling red wine are both problematic for the wise and righteous. Teaching the truth to our children causes parents to rejoice. And we can look forward to the here-after when we live well.

Mercy Covenant. I'm so glad Jesus Christ made the first covenant, and the laws it was based on, obsolete. In His great mercy, He remembers our sins and "lawless deeds" no more. We do still need to live wise, righteous lives--and when we do, it helps us anticipate going to heaven with joy. But Hebrews eight is straightforward. The writer confirms that this new covenant is not based on works of righteousness on our part. It is based on the mercy of God and the work of Jesus Christ.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Judges 14, Proverbs 22, Hebrews 7

In case we forget that God is always at work around us, and that He always accomplishes his purposes, the fourteenth chapter of Judges is in the Bible. What looks like another slide away from the Lord on Samson's part, capitulation on his parents' part, and deviousness on the part of Samson's wife, is all part of God's plan. He knew how it would play out, and used the events to set up the Philistines. No matter how things appear to us, we must remember that God is in charge and will not be thwarted.

The writer of the Proverbs reminds us that the reason he wrote them was to teach us truth and so that we will trust in the Lord. This is the way we should approach the reading of all scripture. So that we can learn truth and to trust in the Lord.

The truth about the Lord Jesus Christ is told to us in Hebrews 8. He is our priest, the only one we need, the only one who can save us. He is better than the Levitical priests and brought to an end the need for them. And He ever lives to intercede for us. (See verse 25.)

Back when Abraham offered His tithe to Melchizedek, God was working on His plan for salvation through Jesus Christ. When Samson married a Philistine woman, God was working on His plan to save Israel and when Solomon wrote Proverbs, God was at work to teach all his readers how to live godly lives.

You are part of His plan. Watch for His work around you.