
I'm glad you want to join me in discovering more truth from the Bible. I'm not a theologian, just a disciple with an attentive ear to hear what the Spirit says. So let's listen closely . . .

Monday, July 16, 2012

Joshua 20, Proverbs 4, 1 Timothy 3

Reading about the cities of refuge again reminds us that God planned for forgiveness. It also illustrates part of His character: a place to find hope for the future when our circumstances might do us in. Another truth shines up at me from this page. The people had to go along with God's plan and actually designate the cities as refuges. They had to agree to let those people live, no matter what emotions might overtake them. Sometimes following the will of God goes against our emotional instincts.

Living wisely requires discipline. Choose to hear instruction (i.e. read the Bible), memorize scripture, guard your heart so that you aren't carried away by your emotions, only speak what is honest and true, make sure your eyes only see what they should and be careful where you go. Then you will be tuned in to the Lord's frequency.

Pastors and deacons are to be wise, disciplined men. Their wives must be also. But really, shouldn't the descriptions found here fit us all?

The great mystery is how God became man. It is no mystery how to live in wisdom, or to know that we need to forgive. But we can only do it by the grace of God, through the Holy Spirit, imparted to us because of the mystery.

Embrace the Mystery.

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