
I'm glad you want to join me in discovering more truth from the Bible. I'm not a theologian, just a disciple with an attentive ear to hear what the Spirit says. So let's listen closely . . .

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Joshua 7, Psalm 141, Colossians 2

Joshua 7 is an ugly picture of sin and defiance that resulted in horrible judgment. There were actually several scenes.
  1. The sin
  2. The defeat in battle because of the sin
  3. Joshua's anguish over the defeat when he didn't understand it, including his conversation with the Lord
  4. The judgment
Sin always is more costly than we imagine it will be. Defiance against God always ends in destruction. The scene that grabbed me was Joshua's and his question of the Lord. "What will You do for Your Great Name?" This is the bottom line. It is all about God's Great Name. God's answer comes in the form of instructions. The first is "Get up!" Don't lie around feeling sorry for yourself. Here's what to do . . .

In times of great stress, when we don't understand what is happening, take it to the Lord, and don't lie around feeling sorry for yourself. Get busy doing what you know to do.

David knew the hazards of sin. In Psalm 141, he asks the Lord to keep  him pure.

Achan wanted treasure and tried to get it the wrong way. He was so focused on the things he saw that he couldn't see or obey the Lord. The real treasure is all wisdom and knowledge in God the Father and Jesus Christ. When we follow the treasure map - the Bible - we will solve the mystery and gain all the wealth found in the knowledge of God.

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